Mobile Fashion Week never ceases to amaze us!
This year’s event at The Steeple was star-studded! From the fashion presented on the runway to the philanthropic background tied into Mobile Fashion Week’s mission, the community was certainly in for a treat. We got the opportunity to catch up with the amazing DJ Bella and a couple of our own students from Spring Hill College to talk about their work for the organization and the fashion show! We love the fact that local designers are able to have their pieces modeled and that young developers are able to showcase their work. MOBFW continues to grow each year and we love hearing people from the community express their love for the unique mission it brings which is to give its proceeds to a charity.
Travis J. Cummings
Resident Advisor
Spring Hill College Office of Residence Life
Springhillian Ambassador Leader
Spring Hill College Admissions
Publicity Chair
Men of Color Council Inc. Legacy Chapter